AI Asset Copilot

Use generative AI on your asset data

Boost productivity by 25% with your personalised AI Asset Copilot. It's trained on all your manuals and documentation, providing instant answers and support,
Industry leaders we work with
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Instant advice on your asset

You have a question on specs for your asset, how to trouble-shoot an issue or how to set parameters? Ask your personal AI Asset Co-Pilot

Transform training and onboarding

Enable junior staff or new hire to onboard and train faster by having asset-knowledge available through Asset AI- Copilot

Retrieve knowledge faster

Do you remember the one solution that you found a few years back ? Now you can just ask the AI to retrieve information and get an answer in seconds.

Ask in any language

Remove language barriers and allow employees to retrieve asset knowledge in any language

How it works

Step 1

Create machine profile

Select the asset you want to build the AI assistant for
Step 2

Upload all your files or connect to your drive

Upload all relevant files for your asset or model. Alternatively we also help you to integrate with your existing databases
Step 3

Ask Questions

Use AI assistant to ask any questions. You will get an answer in seconds, in any language!

Combine with Makula CMMS or Asset CRM

Any Work Order, E-Mail, Chat message you attach to one of your assets in makula will be referenced by the AI Copilot

Enrich the AI Asset
Co-Pilot with your company data

Here’s what our customers say about us

Norbert Kaiser
Managing Director @ PFM

The efficiency and clarity that Makula brought to our after-sales operation is unparalleled. Our team is more aligned, our customers are happier, and our revenue is on the rise. Highly recommended!

Erik Döinghaus
Managing Director @ Döinghaus

Since we started using Makula, we've gained a broader perspective on the evolving world of digital after-sales. The software has seamlessly blended with our processes, enhancing operations and providing fresh insights. It's a gentle reminder of the portential avenues open for SME machine suppliers in this digital era.

Christopher Staub
CEO @ Allpack

Being a user of 30+ machine brands, I can firmly state that Makula's after-sales platform is transformative. It doesn't just enhance and streamline communication with OEMs—it revolutionises it, driving unparalleled customer satisfaction in an increasingly complex and dynamic production

Ready to transform your machine maintenance?