Customer Portal

Engage customers & improve service quality

Give a top-notch experience to your customers with a  service portal (mobile and web) where they can access machine documentation, request spare parts via 3D models, and easily contact you.
Industry leaders we work with
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Self-service portal for parts, documentation, 3D Guides

Give customers access to documentation, parts lists. If combined with 3D Stream, also allow customers to access 3D Models & Guides

Instant Access with a QR Code Scan

Allow customers to scan a QR-Code on your machine or parts to directly access all relevant information, documentation, videos and even 3D-CAD drawings

Allow customers to raise service tickets & parts orders

Enable your customers to easily order parts or request service for one of your machines through your own customer portal

Self serviced parts shops

Enable customers to identify and order spare parts with a single click from a 3D spare part shop on your service portal streamlining the identification process for both parties

Reduce support calls

Reduce the # of support calls by enabling customers to help themselves through your after-sales portal

Share planned maintenance

Simplify your preventive maintenance scheduling with Makula. Easily set automated reminders for upcoming maintenance tasks, ensuring timely service and maximizing machine uptime.

Ready to transform your machine maintenance?